Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Right Work-Out Clothes Are Key!

Well, I’ve been at this working-out/healthier lifestyle plan for a couple weeks and I’ve been doing pretty well.
I knew that I had to take care of some important things.  So, naturally, I started with my work-out wardrobe.  It was clear that I needed some better clothes.  So, when Brian mentioned that he’d like a Superman shirt to work out in so it could be a reminder of why he was doing it; well, it was clear to me. Why dress in Brian’s clothes when I can dress like Brian instead?
Here come the Supermans!

So, I knew when I started this that I wasn’t going to cut out sweets and sodas, entirely. Because, well, I really, really like them. But, I knew that it wouldn’t hurt me to cut back. Well, it did hurt a little, but I’ve done well!


How is a girl, like me, supposed to resist all this when I often find myself in fast food places 2-3 times a day?   My new rule is, if I don't particularly like the soda, then I have to get water instead. This makes my visits to McDonald's, Burger King, and Krystal's much healthier (and cheaper).  But, if I make a Taco Bell or Wendy's stop, it's on. 


I even resisted the chocolate chip cookies at McDonald's!  They are very good, by the way.


Apples are almost as good as cookies...



I made it to the gym three times last week and I'm pretty proud of myself for that. :)



Each time, I go to the gym, I can do a little more.  I can do more on the weight machines and I now walk the treadmill at 3 MPH.  No more .06 MPH for me!  And each time, I get off the treadmill, the feeling that the ground is moving below my feet isn't as extreme. Or maybe I'm used to it.  Who knows?  Either way, I'm digging the fact that I don't feel like I'm going to fall over, anymore.
And, during all this, I've learned several things.

I learned why Brian told me that I shouldn't go to the gym two days in a row (Ow!).
I learned why the quad stretcher machine should be destroyed (Ow, again!).
I learned that exercising does actually give you energy (Who knew??).
I also learned that Subway displays the calorie count on their cookies right on the front where you have to see it (evil). I learned that the employee will look at you like you're a little crazy if you say "That's not nice! Now I know how many calories are in there!" 
It really isn't nice.
I learned that I can resist buying the fattening cookie, but, sadly, I can't resist getting replacement pretzel m&m's, instead.  But, at least, they were half the calories!!

But, the favorite thing that I've learned is that I lost 3 pounds!

Well, I think that calls for a Woohoo!


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